Monday, May 28, 2012

Even the best Mom-"Me"s need a Pep Talk

If you are anything like me, sometimes you find yourself on the computer, watching one of your shows on TV, reading a book and telling your kids to be quiet, or not right now, or to hold on a minute.  Well, this is not the parent I want to be.  We are only given so much time on this earth, and our kids are only kids for so long.  It is my goal to seize these moments while I can, no regrets.  I mean really, is it all that important who will be the next American Idol? when you could be reading a book with your daughter?  or building a lego skyscraper with your son?

So, in an effort to become a more effective parent, to become the mom I have always wanted to be, I have written myself a letter.  I have printed it out, taped it to my bathroom mirror, to remind me what is important in my life and why it is important.

Dear Tiffany,

Good morning!  Today is a beautiful day that you get to spend with your precious children.  They truly are precious.  They will not be children forever.  As you have witnessed, the years are already flying by!

Why did you become a mom? Why did you dream of being a mom for all of your life?  To enjoy your children, to make them happy, to give them moments to cherish every day.  They may remember those special trip or special projects, but they will remember a happy childhood because you made everyday special, just by being there, listening, playing, learning together and loving each other.

I know that some days you may need a break, but just think of your precious girls all grown up and moved out of your house.  Play with them TODAY.  Listen to them TODAY.  Love them TODAY.  Cherish them TODAY.

Today is a day to make a memory.  You never know what small gesture will touch your child, make your child who they are.  So go ahead, give your babies the best day you can!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom-Me :-)

    That is important stuff to remember, thanks for reminding us out there.
    So how has staying at home been so far for you?

    Take care,
